Skin-to-skin contact and lots of cuddles can help strengthen your bond. Responding when your baby cries and taking care of them when they are hungry, cold, or distressed also helps. Also try talking, singing, or reading to your baby, giving them a massage, and making bath time fun.
That rush of joy and love that overwhelms new parents is the stuff of legends. And while most parents feel some elation, it’s not necessary that you immediately form a connection with your baby. If you are plagued by feelings of failure or guilt or disappointed that there’s no sizzling chemistry, stop right there.
The bond between a baby and mom or dad need not always form instantaneously. While some parents may form a bond within a few minutes, others may take days or even weeks. This is not a sign that you’re a bad parent. Know that as long as you’re looking after your baby and taking care of their needs, a connection will eventually develop between you two. Here are a few ideas to build a strong bond with your baby:
- Make Skin-To-Skin Contact And Cuddle Your Baby Often
- Take Care Of Your Baby’s Everyday Needs And Stick With It
- Talk, Read, And Sing To Your Baby
- Tending To Baby’s Needs Help Dads Bond Too
- Address Unresolved Bonding Problems And Ask For Help
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